Legal Tech Consultants
is now a part of Legaltech Hub

Legaltech Hub (LTH), a leading provider of insights, expert guidance, benchmarks, and consulting services in the legal technology sector, is proud to announce its acquisition of Legal Tech Consultants (LTC). This strategic move brings together two powerhouses in the legal tech space, creating a veritable dream team poised to redefine the industry landscape.

As part of this acquisition, Cheryl Wilson Griffin, a renowned figure in the legal technology sector, joins LTH as the Vice President of Vendor Advisory. In her new role, Wilson Griffin will focus on expanding LTH’s advisory and content offerings to startups, tech companies, and service providers targeting the legal industry. Her extensive experience and visionary approach will be instrumental in driving innovation and providing unparalleled value to clients.

We help smart people get cool things done

Driving value at the intersection of law + tech
law firms | in-house | startups | investors

More Growth, Less Risk

Focus on growth, we’ll take care of the many small tasks that make the difference between awesome and awful.

Startups and Emerging Tech

We recognize that every business is different, which is why we dedicate time and effort to meet your team, thoroughly assess your market position, growth objectives, and overall vision.

Legal Teams

Our innovation programs are designed to uncover this potential, helping you develop forward-thinking strategies and implement disruptive technologies that set you apart from the competition.

Our partners. Our Friends.

Validated by experts, Valued by customers

We provide solutions that empower decision makers to grow their businesses

Maximize Your Market Position and Realize Your Vision

Strategic Services

We work with our clients to dream big, to grow companies, to do something different.

Enhance marketing and sales efforts by ensuring a clear understanding of who the customers are and how to effectively reach them. We help our clients define a precise target market and create detailed buyer personas. Includes training on analyzing market data and customer behavior.

Ensure that your product development is focused and aligned with market needs, preventing feature overload and facilitating sustainable growth. Our experts work with you to build a compelling product roadmap aligned to your sales objectives and provide guidance on prioritizing product features and functionalities and balancing user feedback with core product vision. Assistance in developing MVPs that are viable and market-ready.
We leverage our deep connections across the legal tech industry to develop in-depth market analysis and trend reports specific to your area of interest within the legal vertical, offering insights into competitive landscapes, funding opportunities, and emerging technologies. Designed to arm you with strategic intelligence to make informed decisions about product direction, market positioning, and investment opportunities.
Tailored training and mentorship designed to help navigate the nuances of the legal procurement process, leading to more effective sales and better alignment with customer purchase cycles. Support in developing effective sales strategies and aligning them with customer expectations.
Assistance in developing and implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy. Includes guidance on content creation, social media management, and paid advertising, providing you with the necessary tools and knowledge to execute effective marketing campaigns, ensuring better market penetration and brand recognition.
Using our hard-won industry experience network connections, we help founders and product leaders validate their product ideas and refine them to better meet the needs of the legal market, increasing your chances of achieving product-market fit. Specialized consultations with our experts focusing on accurately identifying market gaps and developing solutions that align with customer expectations. This service includes market research, customer interviews, and competitive analysis.
Tailored for founders seeking ongoing engagement from one of our experts, providing benefits like personalized guidance, strategic insights, and access to our community and resources. It’s geared towards helping you navigate the complexities of launching and growing your business in the legal tech industry. This service includes direct mentorship, connections to a broad network of potential investors, partners, and customers, and access to tools and educational materials. Following the positioning of these benefits, the service also focuses on addressing each startup’s unique challenges and opportunities, ensuring tailored advice and support to help you achieve your milestones and unlock your full potential.

The Definitive Guide to LegalTech Startups

In an era where technology is radically transforming legal practice, we find ourselves amid an innovation explosion. New startups are emerging, existing ones are growing, and together they’re redefining the way we think about the future of legal.