Published On: 4 April 2024

Legatics on Tech Thursday – Transaction Management Platform

Anthony Seale, CEO and Founder of Legatics, presents.

Anthony introduced Legatics, a legal transaction management platform designed to streamline and expedite legal transactions. He emphasized that the platform allows all parties involved in a transaction to view its status in real-time, reducing downtime and improving efficiency. He also highlighted that Legatics offers customizable modules for various types of transactions, such as real estate and IPOs, and includes features like document tracking, status assignment, and access control. Anthony noted that the platform has been adopted by numerous law firms globally and is continuously improving through a dedicated success team and sales team.

About Tech Thursday

This session was recorded as part of the “Tech Thursday” series. Every first Thursday, we illuminate the latest in emerging technology for the legal field, attracting attorneys, legal professionals, and tech enthusiasts alike.

Each episode of “Tech Thursday” introduces two trailblazing legal tech founders, revealing technologies that leverage artificial intelligence to revolutionize legal practices. Attendees gain unparalleled insights into tools and solutions that are setting new standards for efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility in the legal profession.

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