Published On: 4 January 2024

Beagle on Tech Thursday – Cruelty-free eDiscovery

CEO and Co-Founder Sergey Demyanov presents Beagle.

Revolutionizing Legal Services With AI-Powered Ediscovery

Sergey discussed the development of Beagle, an AI-powered ediscovery platform that utilizes natural language understanding and machine learning to revolutionize the way legal services are provided. They explained that the platform can analyze and review large volumes of documents, saving time and increasing accuracy compared to traditional manual methods. The platform also provides automated document review, the results of which can be verified by human attorneys. Sergey also mentioned the potential of introducing natural language statistical queries and visualization features in the future. They concluded by stating that the ultimate goal is to enhance the platform’s capabilities to approach the level of junior attorneys.

About Tech Thursday

This session was recorded as part of the “Tech Thursday” series. Every first Thursday, we illuminate the latest in emerging technology for the legal field, attracting attorneys, legal professionals, and tech enthusiasts alike.

Each episode of “Tech Thursday” introduces two trailblazing legal tech founders, revealing technologies that leverage artificial intelligence to revolutionize legal practices. Attendees gain unparalleled insights into tools and solutions that are setting new standards for efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility in the legal profession.

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